Iraq Al Amir

Iraq Al Amir
About the product
Iraq Al Amir is situated in a lush, the area is generally known for Qasr Al-Abd an impressive
and unique building which dates from the first quarter of the second century BC.
Originally two stories high and constructed of megalithic stones weighing from 15-25
tons each, it the most striking Hellenistic monument that has survived on either side of
the Jordan River.
During the Greek Macedonian occupation, Iraq al -Amir was known under the Greek
name Tyros. Ptolemy Philadelpus built the city, transferring population from Tyre
in Phoenicia. It is located on the hills with high and medium altitude, the area has
many springs, and is famous for its olive trees, in addition to other forest trees. About
0.5 km south of the town is located the so-called Al-Iraq historical site, marked by the
partially restored palace / Qasr Al-Abd, (literally, “Palace of the Servant”) perhaps an
ironic reference to the name etched in the caves nearby, believed to be the name of
the owner of said estate. which was built during the Hellenistic period, around the 3rd
century BC, and reused under Byzantine rule before being destroyed by an earthquake.
There are many caves in the hills which were inhabited during the Copper Age.
Iraq Al Ameer Cooperative ,This cooperative, west of Amman in the village of Iraq Al
Amir, opposite the village caves of the same name, sells handmade pottery, fabrics,
foodstuffs, carpets and paper products. The project was founded by the Noor Al Hussein
Foundation and employs dozens of women from the surrounding area.
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