Shomari Wildlife Reserve

Shomari Wildlife Reserve
About the product
Situated about 15 minutes south of Azraq, the Shomari Wildlife Reserve covers 22 square
kilometers. The park is open daily from about 07:30 until around 16:00. It can be reached by
following a desert road to the western side of the reserve, which is completely encircled by a
fence. Numerous species of wildlife, including ostrich, gazelle, wild donkey, Arabian oryx and
others inhabit Shomari. While the park has been able to protect these animals from being
hunted, the lack of water in this area has caused these species’ habitat to shrink. Shomari’s
great success story is Operation Oryx. This project has attracted worldwide recognition for
its reintroduction into the wild of an almost extinct species, the Arabian oryx. With its two
straight horns and black face markings, the white oryx once roamed the deserts of Arabia
and the Fertile Crescent. Overhunting almost brought the species to extinction, but because
of careful management Shomari now boasts around 200 Arabian oryx. The reserve has also
fostered 14 ostriches from a single pair, and about 30 gazelles call Shomari home, as well.
For the best Experience at Shomari is to take the Safari Tour
A professional nature guide will meet you at the gate to the Shaumari Wildlife Reserve in
converted Land Cruiser safari vehicles. The tour begins with a brief about the reserve and
what to expect on your journey through the desert. Midway through the safari, you will stop
for a picnic and enjoy a hot cup of tea while taking in the beautiful semi-desert landscape
of Shaumari. The reserve is an amazing place where you will learn about Shaumari’s unusual
desert habitats and conservation history.
During your tour, you will learn the basic principles of animal tracking and practice reading
tracks. Your guide will also provide an overview of the reserve’s vegetation, pointing out
different kinds of native plants and herbs and their uses.
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