Review of Global Content Translation Services

So this one lady working there tells me that she is going to take 28JD per paper - and my fault was not asking in the first place to gather information about the price range, which at other places such as abu ghazaleh they take 15 and they are very well known for their services.
She tells me that if I wanna save money I can translate the papers myself and then the translator will do some editing to it, but that I should not tell anyone about this procedure, and so I did, as a student I wanted to save 100JD! anyways... when I send the documents to be edited and improved, this Suha lady tells me to keep on editing and changing things, because if the translator has to chenge them he will charge as a whole complete translated document PLUS (my documents are my diploma and university grades) the translation of MY MAJOR WAS COMPLETELY WRONG, THEY TRANSLATED SOMETHING THAT ALSO DIDN'T MAKE ANY SENSE.
So she tells me that the down payment was 70 JD - which at that time I just paid what I had cash on me 55JD and she wrote a paper saying that money was not refundable in case of changing my mind.
Anyways, after asking the day after what would be the correct translation for the major of my studies and knowing that it was completelty wrong, I decided to go to ABU GHAZALEH, which are supposed to be from the most expensive and one of the best among the translating companies, and they told me that the whole cost of the papers would be 70 JD... so you guys tell me.. compare 246JD that this company wanted to charge for a wrong translation to 70JD from a well known company. Please learn from my experience, because Suha refused to return the 55JD of the downpayment and it sucks to feel they are laughing in your face.

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